I have always been afraid of heights...
I remember how anchor's away in enchanted kingdom had sucked all the air inside me that I couldn't even scream in fright because it felt as if my soul has been blown away from my earthly body by the rapid swings of that ride. wheeew!!
So, imagine how scared I am while climbing the stairs for leap of faith. Leap of faith is the main attraction of atlantis aquaventure park, the slide has an inclination of almost 90 degrees and a height of who knows... but from my opinion its too high..hehehe
My legs are literally shaking and my hands are cold and sweating like a pig while we were in the queue for the slide, I was really nervous and my phobia of heights attacked, different bad thoughts were running through my mind, thinking I will not come out of this alive...hehehe The little boys and girls who were before us has given me encouragemnet, seeing them excited to ride the slide has given me a thought that "hey if these little creatures can do... I know I can do it also..." (while saying it though, my heart's still pounding and beating so fast)
When it was my turn, I said a little prayer, sat at edge of the slide, crossed my legs as instructed and asked the life guard to push me as I can't push myself through the slide then I closed my eyes...hehe
And with less than 10 seconds... VIOLA! I DID IT!!!hehehe
It wasn't that scary afterall that I opted for another ride...=)
The feeling was really really great knowing that I've in a way conquered my fear of heights with that leap of faith...